5 Ways to Help Students with Selective Mutism in the Classroom

What is Selective Mutism in a Child?   Selective Mutism is an anxiety disorder which is characterised by difficulty or inability to speak in particular social situations, including school, preschool, work or other community places. Children with selective mutism generally speak clearly and without difficulty when they are relaxed and feel comfortable, such as atContinue reading “5 Ways to Help Students with Selective Mutism in the Classroom”

Why is My Student Struggling to Learn? 5 Signs of Language Disorders

Learn the signs of Developmental Language Disorders in your classroom. Includes free Checklist!

5 Ways to Incorporate Movement Breaks into Your Classroom (without your students even knowing!)

With an overcrowded curriculum and constant classroom interruptions, as dedicated and BUSY teachers you want your students to maximise their learning time. I hear you! And we know that students can learn best when they are regulated, settled and alert. One of the best tricks to ensure that your students maintain focus and engagement isContinue reading “5 Ways to Incorporate Movement Breaks into Your Classroom (without your students even knowing!)”

4 Tips To Help Your Child Play With Their Toys

One of the biggest questions families ask me as a paediatric speech pathologist is ‘why won’t my child play with their toys?’. This is a huge topic and one that has many answers and discussion points. So let’s grab a cuppa, settle in and look at some of the reasons why your child may beContinue reading “4 Tips To Help Your Child Play With Their Toys”

How to Talk to Your Child’s Teacher About their Bowel & Bladder Problem

Wondering how to approach your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s bowel and bladder challenges? This blog provides a plan! School. It is meant to be a word that sparks excitement, the anticipation of a rite of passage and the promise of a whole new world to explore. But for parents with kids with bowelContinue reading “How to Talk to Your Child’s Teacher About their Bowel & Bladder Problem”