4 Ways to Implement Visual Supports in Play

Play is often referred to as ‘The Work of Childhood’ as this is how young children make sense of the world, problem solve, take risks and develop those all important language and social skills. As dedicated Educators and parents, we love seeing our students immerse themselves in different play opportunities and the learning that follows.Continue reading “4 Ways to Implement Visual Supports in Play”

Why is My Student Struggling to Learn? 5 Signs of Language Disorders

Learn the signs of Developmental Language Disorders in your classroom. Includes free Checklist!

5 Ways to Incorporate Movement Breaks into Your Classroom (without your students even knowing!)

With an overcrowded curriculum and constant classroom interruptions, as dedicated and BUSY teachers you want your students to maximise their learning time. I hear you! And we know that students can learn best when they are regulated, settled and alert. One of the best tricks to ensure that your students maintain focus and engagement isContinue reading “5 Ways to Incorporate Movement Breaks into Your Classroom (without your students even knowing!)”

How To Prepare Your Child For Doctors Visits

As a mother of two young children, believe me I understand how challenging doctors visits can be for children. The doctors wear different uniforms and carry strange equipment, there care unfamiliar people in the waiting room and with current hygiene practices, people may be wearing masks which can be confronting for children. This combination canContinue reading “How To Prepare Your Child For Doctors Visits”